Tag Archives: #whale hunting

You have to get the Fish into the Boat!

There is a reason why Whalers keep a gaffe on the side of the boat.  Experience has taught no matter how good the fisherman… baiting, luring, hooking, and reeling to the side are all very necessary skills, but the job is not done until the trophy is actually in the boat.

Many salespeople have the best of intentions and will say and do all the right things.  Landing a whale requires more than just a nice boat and fancy gear – it requires the knowledge and experience of what comes next.  Acknowledge the fact there is always more to learn and the best resource is others who have been there before.  Take the time to ask the right questions, listen, and then realize many attempts may be required. Understand most such attempts will be unsuccessful, but are a prerequisite to learning the proper technique of not only reeling it in, but getting it over the side and into the boat.

Step One – Bait the hook!  More on that to come… stay tuned!

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